Bruno Lower El Classroom 1

Ms. Genie and Ms. Stefanie

Peace in the Lower Elementary Class

on January 20, 2023

  In our modern world, it is so easy to get sucked into conflict – online, on the news, with our family and friends. It is important that at a very young age, we begin to learn how to settle our differences and appropriately handle strong emotions.  Peace education is a major component of the Montessori classroom. Adults model peaceful and respectful behavior, and because Montessori classrooms are composed of mixed-age groups, older students serve as role models for younger children. At Bruno Montessori, we are blessed with an exceptionally beautiful environment.  We have a variety of beautiful trees, open fields, a pond, and plenty of vast open space.  This outdoor environment is oftentimes conducive to peacefulness.  Within the classroom, there is a peace table, at which two students can go to resolve a conflict, or a single child can go to calm down and feel peaceful. . At the Elementary level, when the imagination takes off, students enjoy role-playing and solving problems in small groups.  Each day in Lower Elementary begins with a peace ceremony.  A candle is lit and a quiet peaceful greeting is passed around the group.  We hope this sets the tone for the day for each student. Peace is very important in the Montessori learning environment.

We started off our week by having a class lesson on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A book of his life was presented and discussed. During our work time students had the opportunity to copy a famous quote in cursive. They also had a writing assignment on what they would do if they met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Many students expressed inspiringly creative ideas.

Our cultural lessons this week included how to graph data from a science experiment, mountain ranges of the world, a continued study on calendars, and a look at the Annelid phylum.

“The prospect of true peace makes us turn our thoughts to the triumph of justice and love among men, to the building of a better world where harmony reigns.” Maria Montessori, Education and Peace 1949

Have a wonderful weekend.

Ms. Carolyn & Ms. Genie

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